Academic Programs
Our department offers majors in exercise science, health science and sports management and coaching. You may also earn minors in athletic coaching, health, and physical education. You may earn an associate degree in preparation for a career in dental hygiene, nutrition and dietetics, or physical therapy.

Exercise Science Major (Bachelor of Science)
This major in exercise science prepares students to pursue graduate studies and careers in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other allied health professions. The exercise science major also prepares graduates to pursue advanced degrees in areas including exercise physiology, biomechanics, or motor learning.

Health Science Major (Bachelor of Science)
This major will prepare you to pursue graduate studies and careers in research, medicine, dentistry, environmental health, and other disciplines in the health sciences.

Sports Management and Coaching Major (Bachelor of Science)
Studying sports management and coaching will prepare you to pursue a variety of careers including teaching physical education, coaching athletic teams, and personal training. You may also choose to pursue an advanced degree in a sports management field.

Pre-dental Hygiene (Associate of Science)
An associate’s degree in pre-dental hygiene will prepare you for admission to the bachelor of science degree program in dental hygiene at Loma Linda University. You may also choose to apply to other dental hygiene programs.

Pre-nutrition and dietetics (Associate of Science)
An associate’s degree in pre-nutrition and dietetics will prepare you for admission to the nutrition and dietetics program at Loma Linda University as well as other professional programs.

Pre-physical therapy (Associate of Science)
Earning an associate’s degree in pre-physical therapy will prepare you for admission to the doctor of physical therapy degree program at Andrews University and for other professional programs.
Athletic Coaching Minor
See course requirements for Athletic Coaching minor
Health Minor
See course requirements for Health minor
Physical Education Minor
See course requirements for Physical Education minor